In this item we have collected the links to various events in which IATF has been (re)presented.
- Webinar about Clinical Ai Chi in Complete Decongestive Therapy
- Webinar about Clinical Ai Chi and mindful applications
- Aqua-T-Relax by Anne Bommer
- Webinar about a neurological case and clinical decison making
- Webinar: AT for impaired executive functions due to systemic low grade inflammation
- Interview Johan Lambeck by Lynda Keane (A.R.E.A.), July 2021
- Podcasts by Eugenia Hernández
- Podcast RadboudUMC supportive information
- Podcast RadboudUMC checklist aquatic therapy
- Webinar pediatrics by C G Prashanth
- Webinar Comprehensive insight to aquatic therapy by Dipti Patil
- Webinar Aquatic therapy from Pediatric to Geriatric" by Dipti Patil
- Blog by Eugenia Hernández about fall prevention (in Spanish)
- Commentary Ai Chi: Patty Ku, Johan Lambeck et al, in J Exp Neurology, July 2020
- WST course in Budapest 2019
- BRRM by Marianna Kotzamanidou
- Interview with Johan Lambeck by Sylvana Garcia (Colombia)
- Explanation about neurofunctional AT by Rosane Barroso Caetano (in Portuguese)
- Talk by Paula Geigle at "Pools and Spas in time of covid-19" Hune 22, 2020
Conference presentations (book of abstracts) Mysore 2017
Conference presentations Querétaro 2016
Conference presentations Leuven 2015